
Ready to get started with IDTicketing ?

No payment for license or account creation. Get started now! Create your own custom shop with easy-to-use tools


Gagnez 5 ans d'abonnement

En vous inscrivant sur le formulaire d'Helsana

mountain cart

New: Descente de carting

Faites le pleinn de sensations fortes

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Cowboys vs Indiens 2.0

Entrez dans la nouvelle ère des bataille de pistolet et amusez-vous avec le laser game.

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Festival de cirque

Venez nombreux pour la plus grande mannifestation de cirque en Suisse Romande.

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NEW tablette de lecture

Venez chercher votre nouvelle tablette tactile pour la lecture à la présentation de votre QR Code.

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Cours de Kayak

Nous créons un nouveau club de Kayak. Participez en vous inscrivant au formulaire d'inscription !

mountain cart

Massage -50%

Venez profiter d'un massage qui vous fera retrouver votre bonne humeur

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As little as 3.7% in fees and 21% in additional global turnover thanks to payments via operators!

Collection via Swisscom - Salt - Sunrise and other operators.
Enjoy today, pay next month!

In addition to being exclusive, this payment method is still the most widely used, most attractive and simplest in Switzerland as well as for public transport.For two thirds of the operators, the fixed charges of ID Ticketing are 11.3%. Your income from transactions made through this method is 85% gross.

For free events requiring access control, an offer is established according to your needs.

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SMS, the simple and effective way to communicate and inform your customers.

SMS charges are CHF 0.08 (+ VAT) for Switzerland and CHF 0.16 (+ VAT) for abroad.

It takes about CHF 50 (+ VAT) to set up and test a promotional campaign.

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